01 September 2007

say yes! to m!ch!gan

right now i am sitting in a hotel room in east grand rapids while my cats explore this strange new ground. the poor things have been in a carrier all day long. they have been quiet though not eating, drinking, or using the litter box. i think they are about as stressed out as i have been the last couple of days. ---- the drive through wisconsin was not very exciting, as usual. it definitly isn't the ugliest state i've driven through. we took the lake express ferry across lake michigan which was very beautiful. it was also very windy. the sunset over milwaukee was cloudless but colorful and the moonrise over muskegon was golden. it was the darkest night i have seen in awhile. the album leaf was a perfect soundtrack to it. ---- tomorrow i will go to mars hill bible church which i am quite excited about. and i'm excited that my dad is coming with me. i just hope rob bell is the one that's actually speaking. and after the service it is back on the road for an 11 hour drive to my new home. fun times!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Your kitty looks very snuggly