16 September 2007


this is the last i will write on this blog. it has been a good time though i apologize for my occasional lack of updates. hopefully i'll be better with my new one! i will now be writing at www.sewitall.blogspot.com so check that out. thanks to everyone that has been reading for the last few months!

churches and cleansing

it has been awhile since i wrote, i know. i don't know who is even going to continue reading this. but alas, i shall continue to write.
i have been here for two weeks now, and it is going well. i don't love it here yet, i need to find a church and friends first. that will help. i went with kelly to her church last week, st louis catholic and i hate to admit it, but i really didn't like it. it was definitly not the place for me. luckily, kelly is really into helping me find a church home so she has been asking everyone she knows. i just got home from going to a brand new church (this was their third week meeting) called dc metro church that meets in a movie theater. it was okay. but just okay. the worship was trying too hard to be edgy and for some reason, people that use little head set microphones really bug me. the message wasn't bad, it was about dispelling common myths about god, but i am used to a church that goes through a particular passage. when you can sit through a whole sermon without opening your bible and reading something for yourself, that doesn't feel right.
i am not totally discounting it. i think i'll give it another shot. as i sat there though, i thought about how this world doesn't need any new churches. there are so many, especially in this country! we need to be more willing to come alongside other believers in churches that already exist and bring our gifts and talents there. churches that are dead need life brought back into them! there are so many divisions in the church, i think that it breaks god's heart. we are all one body in christ! i think we all need to learn how to live that out better. myself included big time.
in other news, i am planning on starting the master cleanse tomorrow. i find it kinda funny because while so many of my friends did it in minneapolis, i vowed i never could. but now i am. i feel like over the summer with all my transience, i didn't take the best care of my body. the other day, that so inspired me to make this decision. i'm actually excited about it! i wish that someone was doing it with me so i could have support but instead, all of you are going to support me. i am going to try and write a "report" on my progress every day for the 10 days that i do it. i hope that afterwards, i will be able to change my habits in dieting and exercise and become a healthier person. this will be fun!

03 September 2007


the final stretch to virginia was long but uneventful. before church, we went to a coffee shop that was highly recommended by my friend holly and it was a really cool place. i would have liked to have spent some time there. mars hill was a really neat experience. it meant a lot to me that my dad came and i think it was alright for him. rob bell was there which was awesome; he is really tall! it was a great sermon about entering the kingdom as little children. grand rapids was really pretty from what i saw, i wish that i could have spent more time there too, maybe with someone to show me around. i'll go back one day.
my poor cats were pretty uncomfortable but they made it fine. so many changes! they hadn't let me sleep very well at the hotel but i was able to nap in the car. we didn't stop very much because i was just anxious to get there. i slept through most of ohio and pennsylvania kinda just kept going. by 11 o'clock last night, we finally made it.
my dad and i not doing anything exciting before he goes home tomorrow. but that's okay. joseph and michael start school tomorrow and then things will fall into sme sort of routine which i look forward to. this should be a fun experience.

01 September 2007

say yes! to m!ch!gan

right now i am sitting in a hotel room in east grand rapids while my cats explore this strange new ground. the poor things have been in a carrier all day long. they have been quiet though not eating, drinking, or using the litter box. i think they are about as stressed out as i have been the last couple of days. ---- the drive through wisconsin was not very exciting, as usual. it definitly isn't the ugliest state i've driven through. we took the lake express ferry across lake michigan which was very beautiful. it was also very windy. the sunset over milwaukee was cloudless but colorful and the moonrise over muskegon was golden. it was the darkest night i have seen in awhile. the album leaf was a perfect soundtrack to it. ---- tomorrow i will go to mars hill bible church which i am quite excited about. and i'm excited that my dad is coming with me. i just hope rob bell is the one that's actually speaking. and after the service it is back on the road for an 11 hour drive to my new home. fun times!

moving day

it's actually here and i'm ready for it. i have been kinda flustered and stressed out the last couple days, just being ready to leave. and now the day has come. i didn't get to hang out with anyone as much as i would have liked but, such is life. i will miss this place that i have called home for the last two years very dearly. but i'll be back someday. right now, it's time to move on...

29 August 2007

money sucks

and sometimes, the absense of it sucks even more. i hate being broke, at least being where i am right now. i would love to take friends out to dinner (or at least go with them), or drinks, or buy one last yard of fabric from crafty planet, or buy a mpls messenger bag, or buy gas so i could go to duluth...
but alas, i am beyond broke.
my dad comes tomorrow which i am very excited about. we leave on saturday to start a new chapter of my life.

25 August 2007

reading and hearing. part two.

at this very moment i am listening to all the death cab for cutie albums on random. i think that they are a great band.
9 :
i foolishly only brought one book with me out here and read it in two days. it was "the road" by cormack maccarthy and it was bleak and kinda depressing but it was really good none-the-less. now i am reading two books, "cross country" by robert sullivan which is about just that. he has travelled across the country some 30 times in his life and he's writing about it. i also started "the brothers karamazov" be dostoevsky which i have wanted to read for a long time.
9 :
yay for books! and music!

24 August 2007

today was the most beautiful day ever. well, maybe that's over-stating it a little bit but it was almost perfect. i rode my bike (finally a good biking day!) down to the river and sat along it's banks for a couple hours writing a letter and journaling and watching people and their dogs. the clouds were really fluffy and awesome. i rode around and took a few pictures and went to the library and walked around downtown. it was a very nice afternoon.
˜ ˜ ˜
every day up until now has been rainy and grey which is perfect weather to have to wear a sweatshirt and drink lots of tea and read books and sew and bake pies. but i was so very antsy to ride my bike and today was just right for that.
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i am enjoying my stay in minneapolis. i haven't done a whole lot or gone many places (i'm trying to avoid using my car as much as possible) but staying at the houses of my friends has been really wonderful. i will miss this place a lot.
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but alas, i am on to different things (if not bigger and better).

17 August 2007

ode to mother

it has been brought to my attention that i thank my dad a lot in this and i am sorry to say that i have failed to mention and give thanks to my mom. she has helped in my trip as well (just less tangibly perhaps). there was this quote mentioned in a sermon i listened to yesterday that said
"being a parent is like your heart leaving your body and walking around out there."
it reminded me of how it must feel for my mom. and her heart has done a lot of walking in the last six weeks, much less the last 22 years.
so thank you mom for your love and your support and for consistently checking up on me and hugs via the phone. i love you! and happy birthday. haha. (it's actually in april.)


i am now back in my beloved minneapolis and i'm so happy. the weather is beautiful and i can't wait for many lovely bike rides and other various adventures. driving back was fairly leisurely and fun, actually. even wisconsin seemed beautiful! coming into the city and seeing the skyline that i call home was wonderful... here's to two wonderful weeks (of closure).

16 August 2007

alexandria, virginia. part two.

i am so very excited to live in northern virginia. i had a great time staying with kelly and john and the kids doing lots of home improvement projects and playing war and i even went to a metal show with john and a couple of his friends. that was a lot of fun, actually. i look forward to going to many more shows with them. (they're going to go to facedown fest east coast with me; it'll be awesome!)
now i am on the road, on the way home. this morning was really beautiful in western virginia/west virginia/pennsylvania. it was raining and i turned up the air conditioning and put on a sweatshirt and drove through the fog. it was great. the rest of the drive wasn't that exciting but it went by fast. there is this song called "in ohio on some steps" by limbeck that was put on a road trip mix made for me. i like the song a lot so i thought that i had to find some steps in ohio and sit on them and listen to that song. so i did. and that was that.
now i am sitting at a holiday inn, about to enjoy a big bed that i don't have to make in the morning and this crazy show called "big love" about mormon polygamy. back to home tomorrow. i'm excited.

...sunset in indiana...

15 August 2007

since i have been here...

i have started liking blueberries, i had french toast that i actually thought was good, and have never been so excited to have a dog. he is so adorable!

13 August 2007


a picture of me ended up on the website for "the state," a south carolina paper! if you go to www.thestate.com and scroll down to jen's weekend adventures and look through this week's slideshow, i'm picture 21, along with other pictures from the house show i went to while in columbia. that's kind of cool and i find it amusing.

alexandria, virginia. part one.

i know, i know, i'm not keeping up with this so well all the time. and there are always things that i think i should blog about but when i actually get around to sitting down and doing it, i'm less than inspired. i thought that this blog could be a little insight into my mind and thoughts, not just telling of happenings. but alas, it is what it is.
but anyway, i left columbia on thursday morning after a wonderful(ly greasy) breakfast at the famed waffle house and arrived in alexandria 7 hours later. it was an uneventful drive and i thankfully was going the opposite way of all the traffic.
my cousin kelly, her husband john, and their boys michael and joseph live in a really cool house built in the early fifties that they are fixing up. i am really excited to live here! joseph (he's 7) was (and is) so excited for me to be here (even though he doesn't remember the last time i saw him) and has been routy ever since i arrived. he is a very sweet kid: yesterday morning he came pounding on my door at 7 am (way too early) wanting to play a game of war (his favorite!) and i, being only half conscious, wasn't really up for it. but after sitting and talking to me about the time he broke his arm twice and showed me his flashlight that has white and red lights on it, he scampered off. thinking it was my chance to fall back asleep, i rolled over, but a couple minutes later, he came back in with a toasted bagel and some juice and proclaimed "i made you some breakfast!" it was so endearing, i had to indulge his wish to play war. and then i went back to bed :)
my bedroom has a wall of windows and will soon be cranberry red and chocolate brown with my sewing corner, my mini library, and desk area. i will be a nanny of sorts, helping out kelly when her and the boys go back to school with homework, swimming practice, and home improvement projects. i am really, really looking forward to what will happen here and kelly is glad to have some more female energy in the house. people keep telling me i will like it here, and there seems to be a scene that i will be happy to be a part of. i am still pretty nervous about making friends (that aren't all my cousin's age [which is 40], not that they aren't cool) and finding a church and a community that i can realy feel a part of... but i have been brought here for a reason, and i might love it and find all those things, or hate it and never feel like i belong. but hey, i'm doing something new and if nothing else, that makes it worth it.
i think that this is the first time i have written about a place i've visited while i have still been here so i don't have pictures yet, and i'm writing more than usual. but oh well.
i am planning on leaving for home on wednesday, to arrive back in my beloved minnesota on thursday or friday, and i'm ready to be there for awhile. i look forward to hanging out with all the people i have missed so much over the last 5 weeks and attemping to find some sense of closure there... although i know i'll be back sooner or later.

11 August 2007

columbia, south carolina

i left florida a day early and made my way up highway one (a less superior hwy one than california's) to columbia, going through savannah, georgia. the florida coast is beautiful, lined with expensive houses with private beaches, just the place i would never live. savannah was about four hours from orlando and i was looking forward to spending a little time there. unfortnately, it was 100 degrees and i was dehydrated so after walking around for an hour, i couldn't stand it anymore. at left is the only picture i took. i walked along the river front and had some gelato and walked around a few streets. it's a beautiful city and i would definitly like to spend more time there at some point.
in columbia, i visited a friend of mine named joe that i knew in minneapolis when he lived there a few months last year. he knows just about everyone (important) in columbia so we were always running into people he knew and i met many that i will not remember if i ever see them again. he took me around to his usual hang outs: a coffee shop, a tattoo parlor (where i awkwardly stood having my chest piece examined for quite awhile by one of their artists), a piercing place, and a community house of sorts where we attended a metal show in their living room. it was fun, though i can feel very uncomfortable around lots of people i don't know, in large part because i am not a conversationalist at all so unless someone approaches me and starts talking, i kinda just sit there. and (sometimes) i'm okay with that. i did really like a couple of his friends inparticular so it was cool to hang out with them.
other than that we didn't do too much. the weather made anything outside pretty miserable. so we went to the state house, to continue in the vein i began in topeka. the south carolina capital is a weird place, very different than the other two i have been too. it's much more closed up and protected and pretty small. we went to the state museum and saw an art show by an artist named edmund yaghjian which was actually quite wonderful. the museum also has a lot of south carolinan history and stuff from the civil war (being the state that started the thing) and lots of other cool stuff. he treated me to a wonderful sushi dinner which was much appreciated. and we went to the greenville county mountains (the appalachians) where it was at least 10 degrees cooler which was nice. it was really hazy but beautiful none the less. we walked around a bit, drove around a lot of winding roads, and enjoyed a roadside waterfall. it was a nice trip. it was nice to have someone to do stuff with in south carolina. i will say that i saw enough maury to last me the rest of my life, and poo on the video store for not having the movie we wanted right when we wanted it, and i have a knack for sitting in "the dog's spot" but at least they seem to like me. i think that about sums it it up; i don't think i'm forgetting anything...
so, that was my trip to south carolina. we realize now that there is quite a list of things we had wanted to do and didn't, but that just means i'll have to visit again. and that's okay with me.

07 August 2007

orlando/winter park, florida.

driving into florida, i kept ending up next to this man in a pt cruiser convertable who put the top down, took off his shirt to show off his greying chest hair, and lit up a cigar and that pretty much embodied florida. i couldn't escape that man for hours.
i stayed with a friend of mine from california named niles, who i hadn't seen in almost a year. he is going to a school called full sail, studying show production and touring and let me just say how much i admire him for all his hard work and the crazy long hours he has and continues to put into this. he is really good at what he does and i respect him a lot. so, i didn't see him much because of his insane schedule.
but orlando wasn't all horrible, niles took me to a really great park that looked like where the lost boys lived in "hook." it was pretty awesome. i went back there a couple times. i went to the orlando science center and saw the "body worlds" exhibit which was crazy, weird, amazing. i wandered around a lot, wrote some letters, slept, and watched "the godfather" trilogy. those are good movies. i did go to the beach one day and that was fun, but it was weird. i haven't swam in an ocean since i went to hawaii...three years ago-ish. it's salty! and the sun was intense; i got a sunburn, of course. i'm much more of a pacific-northwest beach person and that whole surfer town, long white sand beaches, palm tree thing just isn't my scene. but it was beautiful, and the first time i've been to the atlantic since i was 13. so that's fun. after a few days there, i was ready to not be doing stuff alone all the time. i love doing things by myself but i don't like it when i have to. niles is fun and good company but he was busy and i felt after awhile, like i was a burden. he was very hospitable though.
so i left a day early and made my way up the atlantic coast to south carolina, where i find myself right now, to be written about later.

04 August 2007

happy birthday dad!

yay for turning a year older! i wanted to thank you again because this trip wouldn't have been possible without you. i look forward to travelling with you next month and i hope you had a good celebration of the day of your birth. i love you!

02 August 2007

new orleans, louisiana.

louisiana,"the pelican state," is known for a lot of things. it has cities that proclaim to be the frog capital of the world, the buggy capital of the world, the cajun capital, the duck capital, and the crawfish capital, it has the longest bridge over water in the world (at 24 miles over lake pontchartrain), and is the only state without counties (it is separated into parishes). it is also home to the largest fresh water basin in the world and that is a lovely sight. a long section of the freeway is almost completely over water, swamps with trees growing out of it and grasses above the water line. there were a lot of storms we drove through, with some very brooding clouds. it made for slow traffic but beautiful scenery.
danielle and i arrived and checked into the hotel/condo timeshare place my dad got for us and it was so fancy! it was much nicer than we had expected. so we looked forward to sleeping in those nice big beds after staying on love seats in texas. unfortunately, we didn't actually do much in new orleans. our only full day there, neither of us were feeling very well so it wasn't until the evening that we got out and walked around the garden district. the houses are big and beautiful and there are beads hanging from most of the trees, remnants of mardi gras passed. and then because of the heat and lack of food, we did not go farther. it was such a beautiful city, the parts i did see and i definitly would like to go back.
we were anxious to get on our way to florida so we left when it was still dark. lousiana bid us farewell with a beautiful sunrise.

austin, texas. part two.

not a whole lot else happened in the lone star state. quinna and i tried to go swimming but after walking for probably an hour along the greenbelt, we couldn't find anywhere that wasn't rapid due to all the rain, and then, it started raining on us... such is life.
it was really great to see quinna after two years. she worked quite a bit but we still hung out and had fun. her roommate/boyfriend andy was a really nice person and they were both so generous and hospitable.
the drive out of texas was an uneventful one. it was actually more beautiful than i had thought it would be. rolling hills and dark green trees. but as soon as you crossed the state line into louisiana, you could tell you had left the world that is texas and entered a different world called "the south."

rain, rain, go away...

that's all it's been doing everywhere i've been for the last two weeks. lame.

27 July 2007

reading and hearing. part one.

i am reading "notre-dame de paris" by victor hugo (otherwise known as "the hunchback of notre-dame") right now. it's been a slow start. there are a lot of descriptions of paris with it's architecture and city layout that have nothing to do with the actual story. but it's good anyway, one that will give me a sense of accomplishment when i finish it. and the music that is getting stuck into my head, and thus listened to the most, is rocky votolato's album "makers." so beautiful.

26 July 2007

austin, texas. part one.

everything they say about texas is true. actually, i have no idea if it is, but texas is definitly a unique place. a lot of my time here has been spent doing nothing. reading, sleeping, cleaning, eating... but i have done some cool things so far. i toured the capital building the other day which is a beautiful place. it's the largest state capital in square footage, and 15 feet taller than the nation's capital. the goddess of liberty stands on top, holding a star (which is everywhere in this state) and a sword. the dome on the left is not the dome you see from the outside, but is lighted by skylights and the star at the top is actually 8 feet across. texas was it's own country from 1836 to 1845 with it's own government and navy. weird! but not surprising. anyway, it's a beautiful building with beautiful grounds.
other than that, i have walked around downtown and uptown and around the university and last night we went out to a few bars. austin has quite the night life, every night of the week. i hope to go swimming and maybe to san antonio or a nearby state park or something... i still have two days left and i hope to make the most of it.

25 July 2007

bartlesville, oklahoma

the drive between pueblo and bartlesville is horribly boring. i got a later start than i had wanted to because of a flat tire! that was a bummer but angela's husband was so helpful. so i finally got to lia's house around 10 on friday night.
lia was a neighbor of mine for awhile in minneapolis and now she is living at a community house in bartlesville called the commonwealth. it was started in part, by this guy named daniel who owned another communtiy house called the walker house that was destroyed in the flood that happened a few weeks ago. when i first arrived, there were so many people around which tends to happen at community houses, especially when there are people around doing flood relief. it was a great time though, they have a great thing going on there. i met some very wonderful people in the day and a half i was there.
i actually acquired a traveling companion there. this girl named danielle is moving to tampa, florida but had no way to get there and from what i understand, was kinda freaking out about it. so, she is tagging along with me to florida. i am in austin right now and she is staying with friends in san antonio. it seems to be working out realy well! she is a very friendly, talkative person. the 9 hour drive from bartlesville to austin went by so amazingly fast with her there! it's fun.
so now i am visiting my friend quinna who i knew in california a couple years ago. i am spending the rest of the week here and i'm sure it will be a great time.
on a semi-side note, i found out that my uncle died yesterday. he was my dad's older brother and lived in LA with my grandma. i'm not sure exactly how he died, but it was peacefully and in his house like he had wanted. i have been so worried about my grandparents and their declining health that i didn't think about tim dying... the last time i saw him was about two years ago i think and i have written to him a few times since then because i always liked him so much. he was a gardener and made my grandmother's backyard one of my most favorite places to be ever. i spent many hours out there as a kid, exploring and admiring, swinging in the beautiful big maple and following tim around. anyway, it was a blow to hear of his death. my dad is down there right now planning for the funeral and i really wish that i could be there for it... i will miss him. much love tim.

21 July 2007

pueblo (west), colorado

---- leaving the rocky mountains, i drove out the south-western highway and i watched a lightening storm over the mountains as i drove away. it was beautiful. ---- i stayed in a hotel in colorado springs but didn't see any of the town except the freeway off ramp. it was nice to stay somewhere alone and inside and a place i didn't have to clean. then it was off to pueblo west to see angela. ---- angela and i were roommates my second semester at bible college and i haven't seen her since our other roommate jill got married a couple years ago. she was the one that i connected with the most at school and so it was awesome to hang out and talk and watch movies and go to awesome used bookstores owned by sweet old ladies and tracking down just the right septum plug and reading and eating and listening to crazy storms. it was great to meet her husband and see him make her so happy. he was a really great guy. so yeah, it was a good time (of which i didn't take any pictures...) ---- yesterday was a day full of driving, 11 hours from pueblo to bartlesville, oklahoma. but lia is great and it's been worth it. more on that later.

16 July 2007


those were out of order... kansas was before colorado. oh well.

topeka, kansas

topeka is also not the most exciting of cities, but hanging out with amy made it all worth it. it was neat to get to know her husband joe a little bit too, since i had only met him briefly at their wedding last year.
there isn't a whole lot to do there but amy and i went to the capital building where they have the third tallest dome of any capital building in the u.s. (preceded by austin and d.c.) but the only one that you can walk up. the stairway is narrow and a bit trecherous feeling but i made it all the way to the top. you come out on a balcony and you can see 35 miles across the horizon, beyond the city itself. it was beautiful. the whole building was beautiful. they are in the process of restoring it so amy and i made plans to make the climb again in 2014 when they are all finished :)
i biked to a nearby park where they had their wedding reception. it is one of the warmest lakes i have ever been in (i didn't swim, just waded) and i found a lovely garden that had some amazing flowers in it. i took a lot of pictures and hung out for awhile. it was really nice and not too hot. amy and joe were so hospitable and kind and generous. it was quite unexpected. i had a great time seeing them and i hope that it isn't another 4 years before i see them again.
(<--- not the greatest picture but it's cute anyway)

the majestic rockies

my entrance into the park was one of the most beautiful things i have ever seen. the sun was shining through rain clouds over the lake in estes park with the snow covered mountains in the background. and the drive over trail ridge road is at times, breath-taking. the alpine tundra is a rare place to be able to go to, where the environment is too harsh for trees to grow and the flowers take years to grow a mere inch. there was a lot less snow then when i was here last year but it was no less beautiful.
the campground i wanted to stay at was full that first night so i stayed at this weird place just outside the park. but next morning i went and staked out the place i realy wanted to stay. i love camping. but only in the right circumstances. i enjoy doing it alone but still being around people can make me uncomfortable. my problem is that i'm too self conscious. being such a people watcher, i guess i assume that people watch me too and that makes me nervous. i am not new to camping, i've been doing it all my life, but i feel like i look like a novice. as if having a tent from rei instead of target and having my table covered with stuff at all times would make me more secure in being a lone camper. i tend to feel sorry for people when they do things alone because it makes me think that they are lonely. but that is not always true. i think of that when i do stuff by myself even though i've chosen to do whatever it is by myself. i wish i could know that people don't pay any attention to me but in reality, i just need to get over myself. (actually, this really nice woman in a campsite next to mine was very friendly and welcomed me and gave me wood chips to help start a fire. that made the weekend better.)
yesterday i went on a 10 1/2 mile hike. one area i hiked by had a lovely little pond covered in lily pads and a couple trees growing next to it. i could have spent most of my day there but i had other things to get to. so from there i went on to a place called big meadow which was just that. it had a stream running through it and wildflowers and beautiful views of the mountains surrounding it. and the clouds have been so amazing! then i continued on to my real goal which was granite falls. i almost felt like i was never going to get there, the trail just kept going and slip-on vans are not the best hiking shoes. but it was all worth it. the waterfall was so cold, but that felt good to my weary feet and i even dunked my head in. i ate lunch there and took some pictures and it was lovely. then i began my 5 mile hike back which of course didn't seem to take as long. when i was about a quarter mile from my car, a dark cloud passed over head, there was a roll of thunder, and it started pouring. it was actually a great way to end my long hike.
now i am about to leave and it's bittersweet. my time here has been really fun but i am also excited to go to pueblo and see angela. so, my road trip adventure continues...

10 July 2007

des moines, iowa

nothing against the people here but des moines is kind of a gross city. it only took me three and a half hours to get here but i already feel so far from home. but that's not a bad thing. hanging out with kristen has been really fun. we drove around the city, biked downtown (not very bike friendly though), ate food, drank coffee, and just talked. today i got to sleep in in a big bed and am being lazy until i depart for my next stop. this afternoon i am off to topeka, kansas to see my old bible college friend amy and her husband. and my road trip extravaganza continues.

09 July 2007

it's actually come!

i remember counting down the days until this day would be here. i started months ago and now, it has come time for me to leave. i think being so stressed and annoyed with everything helped make me ready to leave so that's good i guess. of course i forgot a very important part: the bike rack i'm borrowing. lame! but it'll happen and it'll be okay... deep breath... so i am off to west des moines, iowa to see my friend kristen. and my road trip extravaganza begins!

07 July 2007


there is so much to do, and it's hard not to freak out. i'm still hoping to leave by tomorrow, at least in the evening but i don't know if i can finish everything by then! being in a wedding today doesn't help, not to say i'm not totally excited to be in my friend bonnie's wedding. i guess i just didn't plan this very well perhaps. i hope that everyone i'm visiting can be patient and flexible... i think part of my procrastination may be not wanting to leave yet, realizing how much i'm going to miss this beautiful place and my wonderful friends. but i am also oh so very excited to see other beautiful places and hang out with other wonderful friends i haven't seen in years. it will all come together, and then probably be over before i know it...

24 June 2007

so much to do, so little time...

i haven't actually left yet, and i won't officially leave for another two weeks but between now and then i have my whole house to pack up and move, a wedding to be in, and all my friends to hang out with and say goodbye to (and who likes having to do that?). but in the end, it will all come together and i won't have to stress about it and my summer will be amazing. on a side note, i bought a polaroid camera and i'm really excited. and i have the most amazing dad ever. without him, this trip would not have come together.