16 August 2007

alexandria, virginia. part two.

i am so very excited to live in northern virginia. i had a great time staying with kelly and john and the kids doing lots of home improvement projects and playing war and i even went to a metal show with john and a couple of his friends. that was a lot of fun, actually. i look forward to going to many more shows with them. (they're going to go to facedown fest east coast with me; it'll be awesome!)
now i am on the road, on the way home. this morning was really beautiful in western virginia/west virginia/pennsylvania. it was raining and i turned up the air conditioning and put on a sweatshirt and drove through the fog. it was great. the rest of the drive wasn't that exciting but it went by fast. there is this song called "in ohio on some steps" by limbeck that was put on a road trip mix made for me. i like the song a lot so i thought that i had to find some steps in ohio and sit on them and listen to that song. so i did. and that was that.
now i am sitting at a holiday inn, about to enjoy a big bed that i don't have to make in the morning and this crazy show called "big love" about mormon polygamy. back to home tomorrow. i'm excited.

...sunset in indiana...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love big love! it's a strange show.
