17 August 2007

ode to mother

it has been brought to my attention that i thank my dad a lot in this and i am sorry to say that i have failed to mention and give thanks to my mom. she has helped in my trip as well (just less tangibly perhaps). there was this quote mentioned in a sermon i listened to yesterday that said
"being a parent is like your heart leaving your body and walking around out there."
it reminded me of how it must feel for my mom. and her heart has done a lot of walking in the last six weeks, much less the last 22 years.
so thank you mom for your love and your support and for consistently checking up on me and hugs via the phone. i love you! and happy birthday. haha. (it's actually in april.)

1 comment:

DaveLar said...

I love you! it's great to read about your adventures this summer. thanks for leaving me a comment.
hope you are well love!